Alternatives to Guardianship Workshop

Join us for a virtual workshop on Alternatives to Guardianship. This workshop is presented by Laura Butler from and discusses Supported Decision-Making (SDM).

Think for a moment about the decisions you make, every day. Simple and hard choices. Important choices and silly ones. What you want to do, who to see, where to live, work, and go. 

Now think about how you would feel if you had no right to make choices. If someone else had the power to tell you where you have to live, who you can spend time with, or what you can spend money on. Would you even feel like an American?

But, that’s exactly what can happen to people with disabilities when they are put in a guardianship. When a person is put in a guardianship, a court takes away his or her rights, and gives them to someone else.

We believe in a way that keeps people in control of their own lives, making their own decisions, while giving them the help they may need.

It’s called Supported Decision-Making.

Register for our FREE virtual workshop and learn more. For your convenience, the workshop will be available on multiple dates. We hope you can attend one!




  • A virtual link will be provided after you register.